Shropshire teenage karate champ badly injured in accident
A teenage karate champion from Shropshire is in intensive care after being knocked over by a car just hours after arriving in Serbia to take part in a world championship.

Luke Johnson, from Whittington, near Oswestry, suffered serious injuries to his spleen, head and eye.
He was hit by the vehicle in Novi Sad on Monday afternoon.

Luke remained in intensive care today and his family has been told he may need surgery.
The 13-year-old had gone out to Serbia with his twin brother Aaron to compete in the Karate World Championships, alongside 1,500 other youngsters.
Close family friend Sam Williams, from Gobowen, said Luke was on his way back to the hotel on Monday when 'a car came out of nowhere' and hit him. She said it was believed someone had been arrested in connection with the incident.
Mrs Williams: "His parents, David and Ruth Johnson, had a call about 5pm on Monday. Ruth has now gone out there with her mother-in-law.
"He has quite a serious eye injury and he may need an operation."
Mr Johnson said it was a difficult time for the family.
He added: "My other twin is out there competing and he is very upset about what has happened. He is shocked but he is continuing his training. He has spent some time at Luke's bedside. It is quite a difficult time."
Luke's family and friends are now desperately trying to raise hundreds of pounds to pay for tickets to get Luke, Ruth and David's mother Elizabeth home.
Mrs Williams said: "We are hoping to raise anything we can. We don't know when Luke and family are able to travel but we are raising money for the return flights."
Donations can be handed into the Spar Shop in Whittington.
Both boys attend The Marches School in Oswestry, which helped raise cash to pay for the trip.
By Catherine Ferris and Chrissy Symmons