Shropshire Star

Drivers will face weeks of delays with Ellesmere works

Motorists are facing up to eight weeks of disruption while major gas works are carried out in a town in Shropshire.


Wales and West Utilities is planning to replace 300 metres of old gas mains in Cross Street, Ellesmere, from Monday.

Project bosses say some road closures will need to be put into place to ensure the safety of road users and the work force.

Elizabeth Warwick, spokeswoman for Wales and West Utilities, said: "Market Street and Scotland Street will close from Cross Street to the junction of Wharf Road. The road closures will be in place from mid May."

She said the work will ensure the safe and secure supply to homes and businesses.

Lincoln McMullan, Ellesmere Chamber of Commerce chairman and owner of The Signtists in Scotland Street, said: "It's a hindrance but it's necessary.

"They say there will be no impacts to pedestrians, deliveries and access to shops."

Ann Hartley, Shropshire councillor for Ellesmere, said: "There's no good time to do this work. It's unavoidable."