Shropshire Star

Shropshire Triathlon scrapped after 20 years

A sporting event which has been running for 20 years in Shropshire has been scrapped because of a lack of interest.

Competitors in the Ellesmere Triathlon

Organisers of the 21st TRI UK Shropshire Triathlon feared they would have lost more than £14,000 if they had gone ahead with this year's event.

The triathlon – also known as the Ellesmere Triathlon – usually attracts hundreds of competitors from all over the country. It was due to take place on May 26 in Ellesmere. Organisers said they had received 129 entries, but needed in excess of 370 for it to break even.

The committee is due to meet soon to consider how it may be reinstated next year.

A statement on the ShropshireTri website said: "It is with great regret the 21st Annual TRI UK Shropshire Triathlon scheduled to take place on Sunday May 26 has been cancelled.

"The main reason for the cancellation is financial."

Alan Penton, who is leisure development manager at Shropshire Council, added: "The event organisers are most disappointed that the decision to cancel the event has been made but a minimum number of entrants are required for the event to be viable and this figure has not been reached."

Major sporting event hit by lack of interest - See today's Shropshire Star