£250K won on Shrewsbury Asda scratchcard

A Shropshire couple have won £250,000 on a scratchcard bought at a county supermarket.


The six-figure sum was won yesterday by a man who was in the Asda supermarket in Shrewsbury.

Paul 'Spud' Murphy, a charity collector for Guide Dogs for the Blind, who was outside the Old Potts Way store, said the man showed him his winning ticket before going to a post office to start the process for collecting his winnings.

"It was about 9am or 9.30am," said Mr Murphy. "He showed me the card, it was a scratchcard. He just said 'I bet you would like this' and I said 'What is it, £50,000?' He said 'No, £250,000!'

"He was absolutely delighted and his wife signed up straightaway to sponsor a puppy." Mr Murphy said the man appeared to be in his late 50s.

The National Lottery today refused to confirm or deny the win and Asda also declined to verify the exact amount, claiming it was unable to do so because of the Data Protection Act which they said was in place 'to protect customers'.

A shopper directly behind the winner in the queue at the tobacco counter said the man received congratulations from Asda staff before being pointed in the direction of his local post office branch because the size of the amount meant he could not receive his winnings in store.

The winner is believed to be a regular customer at the Shrewsbury store but has so far not come forward.

The Shrewsbury pair are the latest big winners in the county, following on from Robin and Christine Kiddie, from Ludlow, who won £6.3 million in February and Keith and Louise Gough, from Bridgnorth, who won more than £9 million in 2005.