Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury ice cream man loses his cool after bike stolen

A Shrewsbury ice cream seller has hit out at thieves who stole his specially-adapted bicycle, saying it has cost him his livelihood.

Ted Bowen has been left with no ice cream for his cones

Ted Bowen, the owner of Milky's Natural Selection, has been selling ice creams in Shrewsbury town centre for four years.

He runs his business from a specially-adapted ice cream trike, fitted with a freezer, which cost more than £2,200.

Happier times – ice cream seller Ted Bowen with his bicycle

But disaster struck on Friday, when Mr Bowen went to collect his iconic Pashley trike from behind the Silverton Hotel in Frankwell, where he had left it chained up.

He said: "I had last used it a week ago but when I got there it had gone, lock and everything."

Mr Bowen, 33, who is awaiting a hip replacement operation, said the crime had destroyed his business.

"That bike is my whole livelihood, and now I don't have a livelihood," he said.

"I built that business up over four years. I even injured my hip pushing the bike around this year all to make a living, it is ridiculous."

The theft could not have come at a worse time for Mr Bowen, who was looking forward to brisk trade during the summer months.

"This is the worst case scenario really, it follows a really hard, cold winter," he said.

"It is something I really enjoyed doing and everybody loved it in the town. I've given away that many free ice creams over the years.

"It is not just my job, it is my livelihood, I had all these weddings booked.

"I just can't believe someone would do this."

Despite falling on hard times financially, Mr Bowen has offered a £200 reward to anyone with information leading to the return of the bike.

"This is all the money I have," Mr Bowen added.

He also vowed to continue with his business.

"In spite of this I intend to bounce back and get back up and running as soon as possible, I don't want to let people down," he said.

He urged anyone with information to contact Shrewsbury Police Station on 101.

If anyone can help Mr Bowen and his business please call 07739 667456.

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