Shropshire Star

Police priority is to find missing Georgia Williams

Police have vowed that "no resource" will be spared in the hunt for missing Shropshire teenager Georgia Williams.

Georgia Williams

The 17-year-old was last seen at her parents' home in Wellington, Telford on Sunday, May 26.

A 22-year-old, reported to be a Jamie Reynolds, has today been arrested on suspicion of her murder but police stressed that she had still not been found and that was their priority.

The arrest comes as friends and family took to social media to try and find her.

  • Murder arrest over missing Telford teenager Georgia Williams

More than 3,500 friends have shared a missing person's page and a website "bring Georgia home" has been created in a desperate attempt to find the student, described as having "a bright future ahead of her".

Superintendent Nav Malik appeals for help to trace Georgia

At a press conference yesterday, Superintendent Nav Malik said: "We are grateful for the help we are receiving from other forces, notably the Scottish police, and I can assure everyone that no resource is being spared in the search for Georgia."

Supt Malik added: "We will do everything in our power to find her but we do need people to come forward with information so that we can build up a more detailed picture of her movements."

Police had said yesterday that they were "extremely concerned for Georgia's welfare" and feared she may come to harm.

Door to door enquiries have been carried out in Wellington while "high visibility" police patrols are on-going to reassure residents in the town.

Georgia was reported missing on Tuesday after failing to come home. She missed her first driving lesson and a concert with her boyfriend, Matthew Bird.

Georgia who is white, 5ft 3ins, slim and with long, dyed, red hair was last seen wearing a waist length black leather jacket over a white T-shirt which has a London bus motif on it.

She was also wearing black, skinny jeans and flat, black suede slip-on shoes.

Mr Reynolds was arrested by Scottish police at a Premier Inn hotel in Glasgow, and officers have retrieved a silver Toyota Hiace 300 GS panel from a car park off Dunblane Street.

They believe Mr Reynolds used the van to travel to Scotland and police are appealing for more information for sightings of the van, registration CX06 ASV as it travelled from Telford to Scotland.

Police are yet to confirm any sightings of Georgia travelling in the vehicle.

At a press conference in Wellington yesterday, Superintendent Nav Malik said: "The man we have arrested was driving a van which we know took a route from Wellington to Oswestry in Shropshire before moving on to Chester, Rhyl in North Wales, Kendal in Cumbria and then Glasgow.

"At this time we do not know if Georgia was in the van and we are continuing to study CCTV pictures along the route.

"However, we urgently need people to come forward if they saw the vehicle or anyone using it. We need people to come forward with information so that we can build up a more detailed picture of her movements."

Georgia's family have described her disappearance as "completely out of character" and begged her to get in touch, assuring her she was not in trouble and to come home.

Georgia has been described as a hard-working girl from a solid and strong family background.

Chay Davis, headteacher of Ercall Wood Technology College, said: "Georgia left Ercall Wood last summer after being head girl during her final year.

"We are very concerned about her and hope she will soon be found safe and well. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this very difficult time."

Supt Malik said the force was becoming "increasingly concerned" for Miss Williams' welfare. He said the man under arrest was currently the force's "only suspect". The officer said Miss

Williams was known to have taken her phone with her when she left home on Sunday night, and officers were desperate to locate the device.

Georgia is currently studying for her A levels at New College and is part of the match day staff at AFC Telford United.

She is described as a very bright girl who has never gone missing before.

Anyone with information about Georgia's whereabouts can contact West Mercia Police on 0800 056 0944.

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