Shropshire Star

Georgia Williams parents: She's always in our hearts

The distraught parents of tragic teenager Georgia Williams paid tribute to a "great girl" and promised to stay strong for their daughter during an emotional public appearance.

Georgia’s dad Steven and mum Lynette, centre right, with other family and friends of Georgia at the New Bucks Head vigil

Steven Williams said he was "holding it together for Georgia" when he addressed more than 100 people at an open memorial event at AFC Telford United's New Bucks Head stadium.

He spoke as 22-year-old Jamie Reynolds appeared at Telford Magistrates Court charged with Georgia's murder.

Police were today expected to formally identify a female body found in woodland off the Nant-y-Garth pass near Wrexham on Friday.

Tributes have been paid to Georgia

Reynolds, from Wellington, who was a friend of Georgia, was remanded in custody to appear at Stafford Crown Court tomorrow.

Mr Williams, his wife Lynette and Georgia's boyfriend Matthew Bird led a minute's applause and cheering for Georgia amid emotional scenes at the ground on Saturday.

Friends sang her name and many sobbed as the football club's anthem Keeping the Dream Alive by Freiheit was played.

Floral tributes and messages were laid on the terraces in the David Hutchison Stand for Georgia, who went missing on May 26.

Friends and wellwishers also released lanterns into the sky above Haygate Park in Wellington in tribute to Georgia over the weekend.

And a minute's silence was also held before a service at All Saints Church in which prayers were said for Georgia yesterday.

Pink ribbons have also been set up at the football ground and in public areas in Wellington as a symbol of support for Georgia.

Investigating officers today appealed to the public to help them find a number of missing items belonging to Georgia, including a bag, make-up bag, a mobile phone and clothing.

Speaking at the football ground, former police detective Mr Williams said: "I'm down here at the ground and I'm holding it together for Georgia.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming down and showing their love.

"Never say 'she was'. Say 'she is'. Talk about her as though she is here and always will be here with us.

"Georgia, you were a great girl and thank you for being in my life."

Mr Bird, 19, said: "Georgia was perfect. You shouldn't say people are perfect but she was.

"She is always in my heart. We were only together for a couple of months but it doesn't take long for people to affect people.

"I'm not getting upset in front of people, not because I'm not upset, but because she wouldn't want me to. I'm going to push on and make her proud."

Close friend Liam Ball, 18, said: "There are no words to describe a friend, especially a friend like Georgia. I have tried and I have failed.

"There comes a time in everyone's life when they find somebody special. I found her three years ago.

"I can't explain how much she influenced my life. If there's some chance you can hear me, I love you Georgia and always will."

Friends of Georgia Williams gathered in Bowring Park, Wellington, to release lanterns in memory of the murdered teenager

Friend Abbie Gurney said: "She won't be forgotten. She is beautiful. She is stunning. She's got an amazing laugh and an amazing smile. She is the perfect person to have in your life. She will always be in my life. A body is just a body but her soul will live on."

"We all need to stick together still. She wouldn't have wanted us to be sad for a long time."

Georgia, a former head girl at Ercall Wood Technology College, was last seen by her parentson May 26 when she told them she was going to see friends. The body of a young female was found on the Nant-y-Garth pass near Wrexham.

West Mercia Police said the body had not been positively identified, but early indications suggested it was linked to the teenage girl's disappearance.

Reynolds, of Avondale Road, Wellington, was arrested in Glasgow on Wednesday. He spoke only to confirm his name during the court hearing on Saturday. An attempt to impose a Section 39 order banning identification of Georgia was dismissed.

We will never forget Georgia - See today's Shropshire Star

Floral tributes are placed outside the Air Cadet centre on King Street in Wellington
Jamie Reynolds is charged with murder
Tributes have been paid to Georgia
Friends of Georgia Williams gathered in Bowring Park, Wellington, to release lanterns in memory of the murdered teenager
Georgia’s boyfriend Matthew Bird
Georgia's friends at a memorial
Georgia's parents Steven and Lynette
A man looks at the growing number of tributes at the Buck’s Head
A row of tributes lines the terrace
Friends of Georgia release a lantern
Georgia’s dad Steven and mum Lynette, centre right, with other family and friends of Georgia at the New Bucks Head vigil
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