Shropshire Star

Shropshire fire chief raises alarm over potential closure

More than 4,000 Shropshire homes will not be accessible by firefighters within the required 15-minute period if the potential closure of a retained station goes ahead, it has been revealed.


Steve Moorhouse, officer in charge at Ellesmere Fire Station, said the possible closure of the station in Minsterley, near Shrewsbury, will mean 4,307 homes are not accessible by fire crews within the governments desired timeframe.

Mr Moorhouse made the announcement at a meeting of the Ellesmere Area Local Joint Committee.

Back in May Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service announced it faces a daily battle to save lives while saving money.

The authority has been told to cut 25 per cent of it £20 million annual budget by 2020 and chief fire officer Paul Raymond has confirmed he is likely to be faced with finding another £1.6 million in savings.

Now Minsterley has been added to the list of retained fire stations that could potentially close along with Clun, Baschurch, Prees and Hodnet.

Mr Moorhouse said: "We have 23 stations across Shropshire that are strategically placed so the vast majority of homes are accessed within 15 minutes.

"One station serves 4,307 homes. Because Shropshire is so rural 1,763 of those homes are not accessible within 15 minutes. However, if this station does close all 4,307 homes will not be accessible within 15 minutes."

Mr Moorhouse refused to say which fire station he was talking about, however it was later confirmed to the Shropshire Star it was the station in Minsterley.

Mr Moorhouse added: "If you are living in that area things aren't looking good."

Shropshire Councillor Ann Hartley said: "The thought of any fire station closing is appalling. We have to find a solution."

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