Telford ignored by politicians, says Ukip leader Nigel Farage
Telford is an example of the sort of town ignored by out-of-touch London-based politicians, Ukip leader Nigel Farage told supporters in a keynote speech this afternoon.
Speaking at his party's conference at Westminster Hall,
Talking about concerns over immigration, he said: "Ukip talks about it honestly. Directly.
"We've had a lot of stick for it. Normal, decent people have been bullied out of the debate.
"Maybe that's why none of the London commentariat has noticed what's going on out there in Telford, and Aylesbury, and Kettering, and Buxton and Harrogate.
"It's a long way from London. But all over the country, I'm getting audiences of five hundred or six hundred a night to talk about this.
"This debate has been filling theatres. And not with party members. On a show of hands 80 per cent are non-members.
"But they're interested. They're engaged. They're concerned."
He said the people he met in Telford, during a rally at the town's International Centre, spoke to him about their disillusionment with the current political system.
He said: "These people aren't disconnected from politics. They're disconnected from politicians.
"And Ukip is the only party that isn't afraid to talk to them about it."
During his speech today he called on party members to make next year's European elections "the referendum we haven't had" on Britain's membership of the European Union.
He said: "So Mr. Cameron wants a referendum . . . well we've heard it all before with his "cast iron guarantee" and we don't believe that he is sincere.
"The use of the word renegotiation is no more than a cynical tactic to kick the issue into the long grass after the next election.
"I have no doubt that Labour and the Lib Dems will do exactly the same thing. They all promise a referendum at every General Election and renege on their promises."
Do you agree with Nigel Farage? Do you feel ignored by the London-based politicos?