Bid to extend 20mph limit throughout the Ironbridge Gorge
Motorists should be restricted to travelling at 20mph through the whole of the Ironbridge world heritage site, a meeting was told.
Members of Gorge Parish Council looked at initial proposals that would see the current 20mph limit in Ironbridge extended from The Wharfage along four major routes, including Madeley Road, Dale End, Waterloo Street and along the B4380.
The proposals, which are set to go to further public consultation, were put forward by borough councillor David Davies during his report to council members at a meeting in the council's offices in Maws Craft Centre last night.
He said: "Basically, one of the major things people have raised with me since I have been a borough councillor is the issue of road safety and speed.
"I have been trying for some time to try and make some progress," he added. "These plans are just for discussion.
"They would extend the current 20mph limit slightly further along the four main access roads to give people more of a sense of arriving in the gorge and slow them down a little bit," he added.
Councillor Davies said his intentions were, following discussions with parish councillors, to put the plans out for public consultation, getting as many comments from residents as possible.
The proposals would see the limit starting opposite the Valley Hotel on the B4380 and just past Coalbrookdale Primary School in Dale End Road.
At the other end of the town, the limit would stretch up Madeley Road, up to the junction with St Luke's Road.
The proposals include adding new signs and speed cushions to enforce the limit.
Councillor Davies said: "To be honest I would like to extend much further than in this current plan, but this is a compromise and a start for discussion."
Councillors agreed there was a need for traffic calming measures but Councillor Heather Oldershaw raised concerns that the effect speed bumps would have on the structure of the roads, particularly in Madeley Road, where there is already cracking on the supporting wall.