Shropshire Star

Protests likely over Shropshire youth group cuts

Youth club sessions in the most deprived areas of Shropshire will be protected from major closure plans, council bosses pledged today.

Today’s proposals are likely to lead to more protests from young people, like this one over plans for Ludlow Youth Centre

More than one half of the sessions which are currently run by Shropshire Council workers around the county could disappear from April under new plans.

The news is likely to lead to a series of protests from youth groups, like the campaign currently being held at Ludlow Youth Centre where youngsters are unhappy at losing some of their space to offices.

But council officials today said they are determined to protect sessions run in the areas of highest need.

Voluntary sector groups such as the Scouts, Guides and Young Farmers are also being protected from the cuts.

Councillor Gwilym Butler, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for culture, leisure and libraries, and leading on this, said: "We believe that youth club sessions that are held in the most deprived areas, and which currently have lots of young people attending, should be maintained.

"Financial support for sessions in the voluntary sector should and will continue as they are highly valued by us and the communities that they serve.

"We also believe that local people, especially young people, should have the opportunity to influence important decisions of this nature."

It comes as public consultation opens on the options for running youth clubs in Shropshire as key frontline staff prepare to leave in April.

About 20 youth service workers are taking redundancy from Shropshire Council – equivalent to about one third of the department's staff.

An interim council-run service is to operate for the next 12 months before an outside body is commissioned to run youth services from April 2015.

More than 200 people have signed up to a new Hands Off Ludlow Youth Centre group on Facebook, unhappy at plans to turn parts of the centre into offices.

Today's proposals protect most youth meetings in Ludlow, but throughout Shropshire established youth club sessions are likely to go.

And it is expected youth groups across the region will launch campaigns to keep their meetings safe when the implications of the cuts become clear.

Four options are under consideration for how the interim service will run.

The first would see the number of youth work sessions run across the county reduce from 47 to 28 per week, with the remaining ones delivered in the areas of highest need and to disabled and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people.

But this option would not allow the council to fund new Local Area Youth Boards it is looking to establish around the county.

The boards, which are already being run at a pilot stage in Shrewsbury, Wem and South Shropshire, are to be made up of young people, local adults and councillors and would assess community needs and have a small budget to buy in youth services.

The second option would see just 25 youth club sessions remain each week, with three Local Area Youth Boards covering the north, central and south areas of the county coming in from April 1, 2014.

The third option would see youth club sessions reduced down to 22 per week, allowing for the development of 12 Local Area Youth Boards.

The fourth option would involve people providing their suggestions and alternatives for running services, such as volunteers coming forward to take over the running of youth sessions.

Councillor Ann Hartley, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for children's services, transformation and safeguarding, said the authority was attempting to minimise the need for cutbacks.

"We could have been a lot more radical.

"A lot of other authorities are carrying out more radical solutions.

"We value these services," she said.

"We want as many people as possible to respond and take their opportunity to shape the service of the future."

But Councillor Alan Mosley, leader of the opposition Labour group on Shropshire Council, said today he was dismayed by the plans.

He said he was concerned other frontline services will also be hit as the council aims to save £80 million in the next three years.

"Scrutiny groups recently made highly critical comments about the harm which will be done to services and on top of the recent closure of adult care centres we now see proposals to significantly reduce youth provision," he said.

"There are many more cuts to follow and hence, very depressing news for all Shropshire residents."

The consultation on the interim service for the next 12 months opened yesterday and is due to run until March 30.

At the end of the consultation the council will consider and take into account the responses.

A behind-closed-doors decision-making session will be scheduled and the outcome will be announced publicly, shortly afterwards.

Another consultation on the longer-term changes to the youth service is also taking place and is due to conclude on March 31.

To take part in the consultation on the interim service, visit

How the groups will be affected

Central area: Monkmoor Lodge Youth Centre, Upton Lane, Shrewsbury: Mondays – Pink Spirit Girls Group (school years 7 to 11) – proposed to shut; Tuesdays – Smile – proposed to stay; Wednesdays – Smile Plus– proposed to shut; Thursdays - Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Thursdays – Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay. Grange Youth Centre, Mount Pleasant Road, Shrewsbury: Tuesdays – Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Wednesdays – Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Fridays – Big Time Club – proposed to stay. Sundorne Youth Centre, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury: Tuesdays – Senior Youth Club –proposed to stay; Wednesdays – Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay. Flaxivity, Castlefields, Shrewsbury: Mondays – Youth club for 10 to 16-year-olds –proposed to shut; Thursdays – Youth club proposed to stay under option one and close under options two and three. Gains Park Community Centre, Pensfold, Shrewsbury: Tuesdays – Youth club – proposed to shut. The Meet Place, Maesbrook Road, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury: Mondays – Meole Munchkins Girls Group ( – proposed to stay under options 1 and 2 and to close under option 3. Nesscliffe Community Centre: Mondays – Nesscliffe Youth Club – proposed to shut. Ford Parish Hall: Thursdays – Youth club – unaffected . Minsterley Village Hall: Wednesdays – Youth Club – proposed to shut. Shrewsbury Town Centre: XYZ Club for lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender young people - proposed to stay. South area: Bridgnorth Youth Centre, Innage Lane: Mondays – Mambo Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Tuesdays – The Who Club proposed to stay; Wednesdays –- Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Fridays – Detached Youth Work in Crown Meadow area – proposed to shut Broseley: Mondays – Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay. Ludlow Youth Centre, Lower Galeford, Ludlow: Mondays – Junior youth club – proposed to stay; Mondays – Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Wednesdays – Smile proposed to stay; Fridays – Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Fridays –Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Fridays – Detached Youth Work – Proposed to shut but externally funded until July. Craven Arms Community Centre: Tuesdays – Girls Group – proposed to stay under options 1 and 2, proposed to shut under option 3; Thursdays – Youth Club – proposed council employeewill be withdrawn. Bishops Castle Youth Building: Mondays – Youth club proposed to stay. North area:The Centre, Oak Street, Oswestry: Mondays - Rural Youth Club – proposed to stay; Tuesdays – The Centre Youth Forum – proposed to shut; Wednesdays – Sk8 night – proposed to stay; Thursdays – Junior Youth Club – proposed to shut; Thursdays – Senior Youth Club – proposed to shut; Fridays – Funky Friday drop-in session – proposed to stay; Fridays – Girls Group – proposed to shut; Saturdays – Fusion Arts Oswestry – council-funded elements to close.

Centre North East, Bridgewater Street, Whitchurch: Tuesdays - Junior Youth Club – proposed to stay in options 1 and 2 and shut in option 3; Thursdays – Senior Youth Club – proposed to stay; Fridays – Detached youth work – proposed to shut but externally funded until July; Saturdays – Drop-in session – proposed to stay.

Market Drayton Youth Centre: Tuesdays – Junior Youth Club –proposed to stay; Thursdays – Senior Youth Club– proposed to shut. Fridays – Youth Club – proposed to stay. Hodnet: Thursdays – Youth Club – proposed to shut. Shawbury Scout Hut: Tuesdays – Youth Club – proposed to shut.

  • Budget axe falls on Shropshire youth clubs

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