Plan to turn former Wem police station into homes is opposed

Councillors are opposing plans to turn their town's former police station into social housing.


The application to build six homes on the site of the station in Barnard Street, Wem, has sparked concerns from the town council that it will lead to traffic congestion and over-development on the site.

Residents have also voiced their concerns over potential parking problems and say there is already enough social housing in the town.

The scheme has been put forward by Meres and Mosses Housing Association (MMHA) and involves creating two-bedroom homes.

The former police station, which has been empty for more than three years, will be demolished as part of the project, the exact cost of which is not yet known.

A statement on behalf of the town council said: "The town council resolved to approve the recommendation of its planning committee to object to this application because of the lack of provision of any three-bedroom accommodation.

"Members also had concerns about over development of the site and the adverse impact of additional traffic upon an already congested street."

Councillor Mandy Meakin, mayor of Wem, added: "There will be concerns about the access to the highway and the extra traffic in that area."

Resident Neil Darbyshire said: "The residents' parking is already atrocious on this street without adding six to 12 more cars coming and going to the equation.

"Receiving visitors is also an issue for parking along with trying to accommodate residents' vehicles.

"The street has little space and emergency services access also needs to be taken into consideration in an already congested street.

"With no disrespect intended to people which receive social housing, I would dispute that there is already enough social housing in Wem.

"I do agree that the old police station site does need attention and to be put to good use, however, squashing in these dwellings cannot be a positive action."

Sharon Turner, spokeswoman for Shropshire Housing Group, of which MMHA is a part of, said: "MMHA has applied for detailed planning consent for the demolition of the old police Station on Barnard Street Wem and the erection of six two-bedroom affordable houses with gardens and off-street parking on this brownfield site.

"This is one of three schemes for affordable homes that MMHA are currently applying for in Wem, totalling 23 dwellings, to help towards satisfying the large demand for affordable dwellings within the town."

The town's police station relocated from Barnard Street into Edinburgh House in 2010, which is now owned by the housing association.

The move followed concerns that the existing station was inadequate for officers and residents.

Plans for the former police station are due to be discussed by Shropshire Council shortly.