Children's voices fill the night air for Shropshire Sings event

Group singing is said to be good for the soul and as hundreds of children's voices filled the evening air, it was clear they were thoroughly enjoying the experience.


Shropshire Sings, which is organised by Shropshire Music Service and runs every other year, brings together children from all the county's schools in a series of concerts at the West Midlands Showground, in Berwick Road, Shrewsbury.

For many, their experience of singing is relegated to a small school choir. But this week, all that changed. Instead, they stood shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of others.

Key Stage one children were the first to perform in the open-air on Monday evening and although rain threatened to turn the event in to a damp squib, it held off so they were able to sing their hearts out.

Key Stage two children sang on Tuesday and last night and will give their final concert tonight.

They practice their songs during the afternoon and then perform to parents, siblings and family members in the evening.

The event, which has been running for more than six years, occurs every two years at the showground. On alternate years, the Music Service organises Shropshire Sings Around the County bringing the singing experience to schools.

Over four days, almost 2,000 children line the wooden pavilion at the showground and sing a mixture of traditional and modern songs and several which have been written especially for the event.

Sarah Jones, speaking on behalf of Shropshire Music Service, said: "Everyone has a great time during Shropshire Sings and although a lot of hard work and preparation goes in to it, it is definitely worthwhile.

"Each night we get between 350-500 children from all over the county singing together. It is a unique experience for them and rarely do they get the chance to perform with so many others.

"Every year, we received dozens of emails saying what a great time they had and how much they enjoyed it."

Shropshire Sings is organised by Alison Jones, from Shropshire Music Service, who not only ensures all the children know the songs and what they have to do on the day but also conducts during each performance.

"She really gives her all," said Sarah. "She researches the songs, organises things and then conducts on the night."