Shropshire Star

Would you like your bill sir? Swans visit Shrewsbury roadside truck stop

Do you think he is asking for the bill? Swans are not the usual customers to drop in at a Shrewsbury lay-by truck stop.


But one family of feathered friends evidently think that Gary Powell's burger van is high dining - for they visit it every day and have done for the past four years.

The family of two adults and three cygnets negotiate the busy A49/A5124 junction to reach the van, which is parked in a lay-by close to the Battlefield 1403 site.

Mr Powell said he enjoys his daily visits from his feathered friends and this is the third group of cygnets the adults have brought along.

He said: "They have been coming for the past four years and this is the third set of cygnets they have bought along to us. I think it is the food that keeps bringing them back. But whenever I ask how they are going to pay they tell me to just put it on the bill."

Mr Powell, 55, has been running the van for five years and says the swans are not the only wildlife attracted to his van.

"We get loads of wild birds here," he said. "I put out bird feeders in the winter for them and they are very popular. Sometimes I get squirrels and the odd hedgehog. The swans drop in three times a day, seven days a week and they are very well behaved."

Swans are among the largest flying birds, with larger species reaching a length of up to 1.5 m (60 inches) and they can weigh over 15kg (33lbs).

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