Shropshire Star

Harry Potter and the wizard wedding . . . in Shropshire

Magic was most definitely in the air for bride and groom Zoe and Alex Pitas, who tied the knot in a spellbinding ceremony inspired by JK Rowling's Harry Potter.


The new Mr and Mrs Pitas had the magic touch on every aspect of their day, from themed tables designed around each of the Hogwarts houses and Harry Potter-style spectacles for guests.

Zoe and Alex Pitas pose with their magic wands at their wedding

Zoe and Alex, along with two-year-old son Max, are so enthralled by Harry Potter that their wedding day was completely styled around the story - from wands as wedding favours to a sorting hat wedding cake and even a battle on the lawn of The Wroxeter Hotel, near Shrewsbury.

Zoe said: "It was all rather ambitious as you couldn't just buy any of the stuff we needed ready made, so it was pretty much all made by us beforehand.

"Each table had a handmade centrepiece of a vase with twigs that we foraged for in parks and woods with lots of handmade golden snitches and flying keys hanging from them.

"Scattered around the room were homemade potions made with food colouring and glitter in dozens of bottles we scoured eBay and car boot sales for. We also suspended candles from wire to give the illusion of the floating candles from Hogwarts Great Hall."

Alex discovered the books as a child and loved them and when he encouraged Zoe to read them after Max was born she was hooked.

The couple had six tables, four of them named after the Hogwarts houses of Gryffendor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and two others - Deatheaters and The Order Of The Phoenix.

The cake was made up with layers of magic books, all with different flavours.

And Zoe's bouquet was made of paper flowers created from the pages of Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince book.

Zoe added: "I think the hotel staff were a bit surprised when we first told them what we wanted and we had a lot of questions but they were really accommodating.

"It was so much work beforehand but it was so worth it as everything just came together perfectly. While I hate to sound cheesy, it really was a magical day."

Hannah Hall, of The Wroxeter, said the team had seen many themed weddings, all with special touches and interesting ideas but that this wedding was particularly exciting for everyone.

"The wedding team always get excited for the bride and groom," she said.

"Helping to plan such a big day means you get really involved with the couple getting married and it truly makes us smile when we see it all taking place. The theme for this wedding matched the couple so well and it made for an interesting day at work!"

Zoe and Alex Pitas pose with their magic wands at their wedding
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