Shropshire Star

Iron Bridge standing strong after 230 years

Shropshire's 230-year-old Iron Bridge will stand for many more decades, an inspection by experts has revealed.


English Heritage has given the bridge in Shropshire's World Heritage site a thorough inspection and deemed that it is not in need of any major repair work.

Using the latest technology, the bridge's structure has been scanned for any signs of decay by English Heritage, who found that it is largely in good condition.

Businesses in the Ironbridge Gorge have said they are delighted with the news, as the bridge

drives thousands of people into the area.

Visitors to the Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust's properties alone are estimated to bring in more than £20 million into the local economy every year.

Alex Nicoll, who took over the White Hart on the Wharfage in Ironbridge in April this year, said: "It's great news. Of course, it is massively important to us.

"Not only does it attract tourists who come nationally, it also attracts the week-in, week-out day trippers.

"I would say we probably get between 80 to 100 people through our doors in the daytime as they are walking past from visiting the bridge."

The world's first iron bridge was constructed over the River Severn at the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1779.

It is now maintained by both English Heritage and Telford & Wrekin Council.

Though the main structure of the bridge is still in good condition, it still requires some minor maintenance work and decoration.

English Heritage is now looking into how best to undergo these works in the near future.

Lauren Schofield, a spokeswoman for English Heritage, said: "We are committed to protecting the historic fabric of this significant structure.

"As part of our ongoing work to safeguard Iron Bridge's future we commissioned an independent study of the bridge's structure.

"Through the use of cutting edge laser scanning and modelling analysis we have been able to build up a detailed picture of the bridge, and found that the historic fabric is in largely good condition."

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