Shropshire Star

Private company to run restaurant at Shrewsbury's Theatre Severn

The restaurant at Shrewsbury's Theatre Severn is to be run by a private company after Shropshire Council began the search for a partner on the site.


Other visitor hot-spots run by the council – such as Ellesmere's Boathouse and the new Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery – already have external caterers, and now the town's theatre is set to follow.

Gwilym Butler, cabinet member for culture and leisure, said: "Seeking external businesses to run our catering provision is something that we first looked at around two years ago, and it's something that has proved to be very successful.

"The Boathouse restaurant and café in Ellesmere has gone from strength to strength since we chose a new company to run it on behalf of the council in 2013, and the stop. Café at the new Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery is also proving to be really popular.

"With Theatre Severn attracting more than 200,000 visitors each year we think this is a really exciting opportunity for someone to take on and develop the restaurant, and we ask anyone who is interested to get in touch."