Shropshire Star

Letter: Governing the nation

What is it about our current crop of politicians from the tired old school that makes them want to deny English people from having any say in governing themselves?


Miliband is totally committed to maintaining the right of 41 Scottish Labour MPs to vote on matters entirely English in the knowledge that they are the only reason he could gain and hold power in Westminster.

Clegg is more than happy to have anybody governing us as long as they are unelected members of the European Commission.

Mr Cameron also is a self-confessed Europhile despite his promised bribe of an in/out referendum in 2017 if we give him a majority next May. He, I am sure, is going to find the errors of his ways very soon.

He, like Clegg and Miliband until he was told to stay away, scurried up to Scotland when they all thought that there was going to be a vote in favour of splitting the United Kingdom and made all manner of promises that he is now going to have to fulfil.

In my book there is only one man who stands for English people in the main and that is Nigel Farage. Ignore him at your peril, the others only care about themselves!

Adrian Williams, Bratton

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