Father's heart-rending statement over impact of Georgia Williams's murder
A new victim impact statement was given by the parents of Georgia Williams at the appeal hearing for her killer Jamie Reynolds.

These are the words of Lynette and Steven Williams, which were presented to the judge in court. They are written by Mr Williams on behalf of the couple.
"It has now been one year and five months since pure evil took Georgia's life in the most cruel and unimaginable way possible.
"Georgia has now missed two birthdays; her 18th and 19th, Christmas, and her sister's graduation and many other family occasions. Each of these days, which should have been joyous occasions, have been filled with grief beyond description for me, Georgia's mum, sister, and the rest of the family.
See also:
Georgia Williams's parents face agonising wait over murderer's appeal
Georgia's parents: Our hope that murderer will lose his appeal
"In fact, every day since Georgia went away has been full of grief and sadness.
"There are no joyous occasions for us anymore – there's just coping. If this isn't enough we are here today to suffer and be put through anguish, that we could all do without.
"To be honest I'm surprised to be here today to listen to an appeal against the terms of punishment handed down by a crown court judge, who had obviously considered every aspect of his sentencing options, who explained his reasoning with logic with regard to the laws of this land, with regard to the the defendant,with regard to us and – just as importantly – to the rights of the public in the long term.
"This evil coward obviously doesn't accept that, but what he has to realise is that he was master of his own destiny when he spent months planning Georgia's death with such detail and callousness, and then ultimately murdering her.
"Where is Georgia's right to appeal? Where is our right to appeal against this life sentence that I can only describe as purgatory?
"There is none, even though I appeal to the highest authority over life and death every night when I pray to God to give Georgia her life back.
"A life where she would have continued to make her mark, doing good, serving her country in the RAF, making people happy, sticking up for right against wrong, and most importantly to us, being part of the family and its journey through life. Georgia never harmed anyone or ever would. She had 'Save a Life' on her list for life – she wanted to be a paramedic and serve on the front line with the RAF. I know she would have achieved this, and much more. Her life was, and still is, worth infinitely more than the 'Evil' that appeals to this court today. She contributed to life, not took it away.
"Georgia only went to that house that evening because – in her words 'He's a mate, and I don't want to let him down'. That was what she told her mum before she left that sunny evening.
"Evil took advantage of that good nature, that friendship, and used it for its own selfish, perverted pleasure – just for a few fleeting moments of self-gratification. That's all Georgia's friendship and life meant, that was the value put on this precious girl's life.
"Rot in hell, you inhuman excuse for a life. I hope every day for you is full of the grief that twists my stomach into knots, that fills me with fear and apprehension, that makes me physically sick, that has no hope of ever going away, but eats further into you as each second of the day goes by.
"I hope you cry yourself to sleep every night and wake every morning with the same stinging tears that burn into my eyes.
"I just wish that you could experience the torture that I go through every day, without hope of even a moment's relief.
"Your heart should be ripped to shreds like mine, your waking moments restless without peace or solace, your life empty, and only then, you may get somewhere near to what I feel and what torments me with never-ending frustration.
"Yes, I'm bitter. Yes, I'm twisted – this is what you have done to me, a man with only the needs for his family, and to do whatever good he could in life, and to pass those simple principles on to his children to continue after he's gone.
"That is what I and the family suffer. Consider the real victim here. Dare to imagine the unimaginable; place yourself in Georgia's shoes, with a rope around your neck, with the inevitable knowledge of what was going to happen next. Try and imagine those last moments of life spent in terror and struggle. Just try.
"God bless you Georgia – dad."