Councillors back strategy to tackle growing homelessness in Telford
Councillors have backed a strategy to tackle the growing problem of homelessness in Telford.
There were just two rough sleepers in 2010 and this had increased to 11 just two years later, according to a council report.
The Homelessness Strategy, which identifies aims and priority actions over the next three years, was approved by cabinet members at a meeting on Thursday.
It places emphasis on measures to prevent people becoming homeless in the first place .
Councillor Charles Smith, cabinet member for housing, said the council has a "statutory" duty to help the homeless as well as the traveller community.
Councillor Paul Watling, cabinet member for children, young people and families, said: "There is more and more pressure on the homelessness section."
Significant progress has been made on delivering the action plan including the launch of the Telford Housing Options tool and development of a gypsy and traveller transit site in Snedshill.
It has also started works to extend the existing permanent gypsy and traveller site at Lodge Road in Donnington Wood following approval of £1.75 million from the Homes and Communities Agency.
The Strategy also aims to phase out using Bed and Breakfast houses for emergency accommodation.
An initial draft was approved by cabinet in September last year but it was agreed a further period of consultation was required.
Views were sought from a range of organisations including Maninplace, KIP, Stay, YMCA, private and registered landlords and the council's Scrutiny Management Board.