Chance to have your say on Telford & Wrekin Council's spending plans
Residents can have their say on spending plans which could see Telford & Wrekin Council slash a further £9 million from its budget.
Authority leaders will hold a series of public roadshows across the borough to explain the plans and get reactions.
They will be led by council cabinet member for finance and enterprise Councillor Bill McClements.
The feedback gained from the 10 sessions, as well as a range of local groups and forums, will be reported back to the cabinet at its meeting on February 26 before the final budget proposals are presented to full council on March 5 for a decision.
The proposals include plans to freeze the council tax for the third year in a row.
The roadshow will also be asking for people's views on council priorities and how people can help the council save money.
Councillor McClements said: "
I look forward to meeting local residents and hearing their thoughts on our plans and getting their ideas on what else we can do going forward."
The roadshow started today at Hadley Library, from 10am until 11.30am. It will move on to Newport Library on Friday from 10am until noon, Southwater Library in Telford Town Centre next Tuesday from 10am until noon and Wellington Library on Thursday next week between 10am and noon. Later that day it will be at Dawley House, Burton Street, Dawley between 4.30pm and 6.30pm and will stay at that location for January 23 between 9am and noon.
For more roadshow dates visit or call the council's community participation team on 01952 382131.