In pictures: Party time as Bridgnorth Town Rugby Club takes step closer to Twickenham

It was a glorious day for Bridgnorth Town Rugby Club – and the perfect excuse for the whole town to hold a party.


Around 1,000 people, almost a tenth of the town's population, squeezed into the Edgar Davis ground to watch the home side defeat Northampton Old Scouts in the RFU Intermediate Cup.

The 40-3 victory, which places them a win away from a national final at Twickenham, came after a build-up to the final that saw the whole town get behind their rugby club.

Ian George, 50, the facilities manager at Bridgnorth Rugby Club, said that throughout this last week players were stopped in the streets and asked about the game.

"The public response to this game has been unprecedented in the club's history and Bridgnorth now feels very much a rugby town."

The victory by the first team, which came after an undefeated league triumph, is only the tip of what has been a very successful season. The men's second and third teams won their respective leagues, and the ladies first team won their league undefeated.

The ladies team now step up to The Championship, only one level below The Premiership, which means they are playing at the highest national level of any team at the club.

The club's resounding victory on Saturday is especially sweet after they narrowly lost out in the final of the same competition last year.

But this year's final was a much bigger event than last year because it was played at home.

After the team's success, thoughts now turn to the national semi-final, which is away against Scarborough on April 4.

If they win that match the team go on to play at Twickenham, the home of English rugby.