Shropshire Star

Retiring High Sheriff of Shropshire pays tribute to his much-loved county during service

As he comes towards the end of his year of office, High Sheriff Robert Bland paid tribute at his Legal Service to Shropshire, its services, its volunteers, its education, its charities and all that makes the county vibrant and successful.


He told a packed Shrewsbury Abbey: "We live in a better county than we sometimes think we do."

And businessman Mr Bland talked of how impressed he had been during his year at all that goes on in the county.

He said: "I have been privileged this past 12 months to visit so many parts of Shropshire and learn about what makes it tick. And as someone who was born in the county, I thought I knew everything about Shropshire.

"How wrong I was, there is so much more going on than I ever realised. And I have been so impressed at the efforts of wonderful people who give up their time."

As the Queen's representative for all matters relating to the judiciary and the maintenance of law and order, the High Sheriff traditionally spends much of the year involved with Crown and magistrate courts, the police, prison and probation services and Mr Bland expressed his gratitude for all who had helped in this direction. "Justice is prevailing in the county," he said.

A businessman himself, he also said learning more about Shropshire's many small businesses had been a very special experience. And only yesterday, Mr Bland pledged his support to the Shropshire Star's Ladder for Shropshire appeal which the Duke of York helped launch on a visit to the newspaper's head office in Telford.

Mr Bland, who lives near Cressage, leaves office this week and High Sheriff in Nomination David Stacey of Leigh Manor, Minsterley, takes over. Mr Stacey read a lesson at the Legal Service.

The Bishop of Hereford, the Right Rev Richard Frit, gave the address and the Right Rev Mark Rylands, Bishop of Shrewsbury, and the Right Rev Alistair Magowan, Bishop of Ludlow, were also involved.

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