Shropshire Star

Tragic Shropshire student Eloise sent text message to friend to say knew she would die

Tragic Shropshire student Eloise Parry, who died after taking diet pills, sent a friend a text message in her final hours to say knew she was going to die.

Eloise Parry

Eloise's best friend, who asked not to be named, told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme: "She sent me a text message saying that she knew she was going to die a few hours before she died and she was alone.

"She knew she was going to die, and she was alone and she was scared. I was about to board a plane and by the time I'd got home she was dead."

Eloise, 21, of Mereside, Shrewsbury, died at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital on April 12 after accidentally taking a lethal dose of diet pills bought over the internet.

She had driven herself to the hospital after taking eight of the pills, just two of which were said to be a lethal dose. Doctors were unable to save her.

Her friend told Victoria Derbyshire that Eloise had begged doctors for help.

She said: "She took four pills at 4am and then when she woke up she took another four. But she had pushed her body to be able tolerate this and then she pushed it over the edge. She did not intend to kill herself, she did not want to die."

The friend said Eloise had been in the mental health system since at least the age of 16, had been diagnosed with a mental health disorder and took medication daily.

She said Eloise had a social worker and regularly saw a GP but that she had needed more help.

"They were very aware. She was definitely on their radar," she told the programme.

"She did not fly under the radar. Everyone was aware of her problems. There was no secrecy. I think she needed to be an in patient, she could no longer keep herself safe.

"Medical professionals have a duty of care to keep people safe who cannot keep themselves safe.

"I was with her when she told medical staff that she could no longer keep herself safe and that she needed their help."

An inquest into Eloise's death has been adjourned until July 2.

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