At-risk Telford church gets a £157,000 lifeline

A crumbling Telford church recently placed on the national "Heritage at Risk" register will be saved from possible closure thanks to a £157,000 lottery grant.


The urgent repair work to bell tower masonry and roof retiling at St Peter's Church in Wrockwardine, Telford, is expected to begin within six months, and chairman of the church building committee Hilmar Cuhls said it would ensure that the church was still there for future generations.

It will also form part of a larger restoration project, which will see the south transept used by the Wrockwardine community.

There are also plans to install a new central heating system, and modernise the clock mechanism and electrical system.

Mr Cuhls said while the church was in no immediate danger, there was a risk that the building would have to close in years to come if the work was not carried out.

He said: "The church has been well looked after for 1,000 years, and it would be a shame if it was left to deteriorate now.

"The support of the Heritage Lottery Fund was vital to ensure the continued role of St. Peter's within the village and realise our vision for the future."

He said the church would initially receive £11,100 from the fund, which would be used to pay for preparatory work ahead of the restoration.

Mr Cuhls said that provided the lottery officials were happy with the initial work, then go-ahead for the main restoration work could be granted within two weeks.

"If all goes well with the initial work, the physical development could start within six months, and it will all be complete next May."