Shropshire Star

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Ludlow's very own supernan

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease – not bad for an 81-year-old.


Supernan Emma Edmunds ticked off another 'must do' on her bucket list this week when she took the the skies over Shropshire.

The pensioner over the Shropshire plain in a paraglider, taking off from the Long Mynd with expert instructor Mark Dann.

She's off! Flying high over the Long Mynd

It was the latest daredevil adventure for the pensioner, who went skydiving for her 80th birthday and says she now wants to try abseiling – or even swimming with sharks.

Emmas, who shares her time between her daughter's home at Wigmore near Ludlow and her home in Stratford-upon-Avon, said she loved the flight and it gave her a hunger for more adventure in the future.

"I think I should have been born with wings," she said.

"My mother was always telling me off for climbing up hill when I was a child and when I was in the RAF as a young woman we would go up on practice flights. I played cricket for the RAF and when the weather closed in at Catterick once we were given a lift on the Queen's Flight back to our base."

"I think now that I haven't got many more years left at the age of 81 so why not do these things.

"I had a medical recently and the doctor told me I was as fit as a 20-year-old."

Watching her take to the skies was daughter, Sarah Darling and 28-year old grandaughter, Caroline Darling, who has inherited her grandmother's taste for adventure.

The teacher was in Nepal when the earthquake rocked the country in April killing more than 8,000 people and injuring more than 19,000.

"Caroline had been at Everest base camp a couple of days before, had gone back to Katmandu and on the day of the earthquake had gone out to a nature reserve. Thank goodness she was out in the open," Sarah said.

"She had to trek back to the airport totally on her own because she had a flight booked home. It was eight hours of getting over crumbling bridges and seeing total devastation. She didn't eat for 24 hours and we spent 21 hours thinking she was dead before she could get a message home."

All smiles – Emma enjoys a soft landing

"She obviously shares her grandmother's adventurous spirit, whereas I like to keep my feet firmly on the ground. I was even scared on the ride up to the top of the Long Mynd."

"We decided to postpone my mother's paraglide until Caroline was home from Nepal so that she could come and watch her."

She joked her mother was well known in the village of Wigmore as "that crazy lady".

Mark Dann, from Beyond Extreme, based in Minsterley, said: "Emma was one of only two people over the age of 80 that I have taken on a tandem flight.

"It is such a pleasure to give people of all ages a chance to fly like the wind. She took it all in her stride. There is no stopping her."

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