Shropshire Star

Star reader Shane snaps rainbow at the double

From rain and gale force winds to a heatwave – Britain's changeable weather is throwing everything at us this week, including this stunning double rainbow.


Shane Swannick took this image in Minsterley, despite only being dressed in his pyjamas. Watching television in his house, he saw that the stormy weather created a double rainbow outside his window.

Quickly putting on some shoes, he grabbed his camera and rushed outside to capture the moment.

He said: "I knew I only had a few minutes to take the shot before it vanished – I got absolutely soaking wet, but it was worth it.

"The double rainbow was visible to the naked eye, but in the resulting camera image it was barely evident.

"I manipulated the photograph a little on the computer, tweaking the contrast to make the double rainbow stand out more."

Mr Swannick, 39, has been a keen photographer for the past 12 years, and said that taking images of the Shropshire Hills is his passion.

He said: "I took an evening course in photography about five or six years ago, and that changed the way I looked at things.

"I learned so much about photographic concepts like the rule of thirds and as a result my images improved a lot.

"And while I do some editing of the images on the computer, I like to enhance what is there rather than creating an alien landscape."

Another Shropshire Star reader, Linda Phillips from Shrewsbury, also sent us a photo of a double rainbow.

Linda Phillips' double rainbow photo

Following a stormy night blustery showers sweeping across the country today are expected to give way to blazing sunshine by the weekend.

Temperatures were struggling to get into the low teens in some parts of the UK today. But the balmy weather is supposed to kick in tomorrow, replacing the below-average temperatures being experienced across the region.

The mercury is predicted to soar to 28C (82F) in the south on Friday and Saturday as warm air from the continent drifts over Britain. Met Office forecaster Marco Petagna said: "It is a real contrast in weather from the early part to the end of the week. Wednesday is the transition day from the unsettled to the better weather."

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