Attention! Regiment targets Shropshire talent
It is based in Shropshire – and now the 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment is on a drive to attract more locals to recruit.
Three quarters of those joining the regiment come from Ireland, but having been based at Clive Barracks in Tern Hill for seven years it wants to build up its links to Shropshire.
Two who have taken the step of joining the regiment are Luke Mannion, 18, and Ryan Robinson, 20.
Luke has grown up with the Tern Hill barracks on his doorstep and was inspired by what he saw.
He said: "I was walking home from school when I was about 15 and saw soldiers fast-roping out of a Puma helicopter.
"That image of soldiers leaping out of the helicopter certainly made an impact on me. It is a regiment that has a unique identity and is one of the best, if not the best, regiments in the British Army.
"Naturally my mum worries about me, but my family are full of encouragement."
Ryan, from Telford, was introduced to the army while he was at college.
He said: "The army held an open day at college and I liked the look of what they were offering.
"As my mum's father was originally from Belfast I became interested in the Royal Irish, read up about the regiment and decided to join. I love the fact that every day is different and now I am in the regiment I want to climb the ranks and go as far as I can."
New recruits have to spend three years as a ranger before they can proceed up the promotion ladder, the first rung being to lance corporal.
Ryan said he would recommend the move to others, especially with Tern Hill being so conveniently located. He added : "When you are a member of the Royal Irish it really does feel like being in a family."
The unit's commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Graham Shannon, today said he is delighted at the gradual increase in recruits from Shropshire.
He said: "We have seen a growing number of soldiers joining from Shropshire as we have developed roots into the area. We have strong support from the local community and we are very grateful for this."