Shropshire Star

Work gets under way on £800,000 revamp of Bridgnorth school and leisure centre

Builders have started work on a £800,000 renovation of a school and leisure centre.


A leaking roof will be fixed in stages while the Bridgnorth Endowed School's 100-year-old windows will be replaced.

The school was faced with a £3million repair bill when it became an academy two years ago in a move that gave it freedom from Shropshire Council control.

Work will also be carried out on the roof of the leisure centre, which sits on the same site and should be taken over by Halo Leisure sometime next month.

Headteacher Phil Loveday said disruption would be kept to a minimum but some of the classes had been forced to change rooms.

He said: "Some of the modern language classes, which includes French and Spanish, have been moved down the corridor but we have timed the programme work so it will have a minimal impact on the teaching.

"There are three classrooms in that particular corridor so those that have moved have not had to go very far.

"The move should only last for about two weeks.

"We have oral exams this week so we've made sure none of the work is carried out in those areas.

"Eleven different areas of the roof will be fixed over a period of time and when the windows are fixed we'll make sure the contractors start on the ground floor and work their way up."

Mr Loveday said classes at the leisure centre would not be affected while the work was being carried out.

He said: "The roof in the main sports hall needs fixing but activities will carry on underneath.

"Once it's all finished the extra insulation will be fantastic."

The roof repairs will be completed by November, while the windows will be repaired between July and September.

Insulation will be added in certain areas of the roof, asbestos removed and the metal-framed windows will be double-glazed.

He said the school, which had been placed in special measures by Ofsted in December, was now making progress in all areas.

The school will look to obtain further grants to replace water damaged ceiling tiles and carry out interior decoration.

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