Plans to shut Shrewsbury High Street to traffic submitted

Plans to change the face of Shrewsbury's town centre by closing a busy road to traffic have been submitted to Shropshire Council.


Two groups, Shrewsbury Friends of the Earth (SFoE) and Bus Users Shropshire, are calling on the council to consider cutting off Shrewsbury's High Street to traffic between 10am and 3pm, Monday to Saturday.

Barbara Phillips, of SFoE, said the proposals would make the town more appealing for shoppers and tourists.

She said: "Shrewsbury is falling behind in the race to attract visitors by making town centres more attractive, safer, and cleaner. One way ahead is to cut down on the amount of traffic.

"For years surveys have told us that most people back the idea, but nothing has happened. So we decided to take a detailed look ourselves at how it might work."

Mrs Phillips also said they believed the plans would be beneficial for businesses in the town, and would not prevent access for vehicles during peak times.

She said: "These improvements would make the town a much nicer place to come to, so it's good for businesses as well as better for us. Cars would still be able to use the routes during morning and evening peak times, but the middle of the day would be clear for shoppers and visitors."

The report, titled "The Time is Right", which has been submitted to the council, cites the success of the decision to close Pride Hill to traffic as evidence that the proposal would work.

It states: "25 years ago Shrewsbury & Atcham Council took the bold and successful step of closing Pride Hill to traffic. We believe the time is right to extend those benefits to Shrewsbury's High Street,

"The original proposal attracted objections from local businesses concerned about possible loss of trade in Pride Hill. Does anyone today suggest reopening Pride Hill to traffic?"

The proposals suggest closing High Street, Mardol Head, and Shoplatch, from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday, with buses, bicycles, and disability scooters exempt.

As part of the plans there would be permanent/demountable bollards at the junction of Princess Street and the Square, with Princess Street opened to two way traffic.

Other recommendations include installing signs on all routes into Shrewsbury, with the groups indicating a preference for them to display real time information about traffic flow, car parking spaces, and prices.

The signs would be intended to direct traffic to car parks throughout the town.

The authors of the report have also rejected concerns over the effect the the closure could have on traffic using Town Walls.

It states: "The hours for the proposed closure are outside peak commuting and school travel times, so traffic volumes in Town Walls are expected to be manageable."

Helen Ball, clerk of Shrewsbury Town Council, said that future gas works being carried out in the town centre could provide an opportunity to trial such a proposal.

She said: "Other medieval towns and cities across the country have taken a similar approach to access for cars and pedestrians in their centres, and members in the past have considered whether trialling such an approach - particularly at the time gas works are being undertaken, could be possible."

Peter Gilbert of Bus Users Shropshire said the proposal would also encourage people to use public transport.

He said: "The scheme would make it easier for people to use public transport, which is better for the town centre. There will be fewer cars on the roads elsewhere in the town. Buses will have a key role to play, as we move to a carbon neutral future."