Shropshire Star

What a whopper! Giant hollyhock shoots for the sky

What a whopper - it's a giant hollyhock in a Shropshire garden which just keeps on growing.


It's now up to 13ft, and counting.

"I grew it from seed and it's now in its second year," said Mike Hands, of Portland Crescent, Shrewsbury.

But the giant, which has grown way above its trellis on a wall, will soon have to be cut down to size.

"I shall have to cut it to about four or so inches in height when it has finished flowering."

The height to which hollyhocks grow depends on the variety, but information on the internet points to usual heights being between six and 10 feet.

However, Mike's monster still has some way to go (and grow) before making it in to the record books.

The tallest hollyhock, as reported in the "Guinness Book of World Records," was 19 feet, 7 inches, grown by George Palmer of West Clandon, Surrey, in 1978.

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