Shropshire Star

Solar farm proposal near Shrewsbury is set for green light

Controversial plans to create a 15-acre solar farm in the Shropshire countryside look set to get the green light.


The scheme, which would see more than 15,300 solar panels built to the north of Moor Farm, near Baschurch, would produce enough power for about 1,140 homes per year if built, it has been claimed.

But it has sparked opposition from residents concerned about the impact it would have, including the loss of agricultural land. Shropshire Council's planning officers have recommended the application for approval.

Navitas Projects Ltd say the development will have the capacity to produce about 3.75 megawatts of renewable electricity, which will be fed into the distribution network.

Construction is expected to take three to four months, and the solar park is anticipated to have a life span of 25 years.

Elaine Hickman, a resident who is against the plans, said: "I am disappointed about the recommendation. I am amazed they have come to that conclusion so quickly. But will be attending next week's meeting where we will be putting our case forward. We have not lost hope."

It will be discussed by Shropshire Council's north planning committee on Tuesday at Shirehall at 2pm. A report by the council's planning officers says: "The proposed installation would allow the generation of renewable energy for export to the National Grid, and contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions.

"As such it is supported in principle by both national and local planning policy.

"While the site comprises best and most versatile land, the area affected is relatively small, the land would nevertheless remain in agricultural use, and a satisfactory level of information has been provided to demonstrate that the use of such land is justified.

"Furthermore, the panels would be removed at the end of their useful life or within 25 years, whichever sooner, following which the land would revert to its former status."

The first multi-million pound solar farm given permission in Shropshire was at Hayford Farm, near Westbury, in 2013.

Others given the go-ahead since include sites at Wheat Leasows in Hadley, Telford, Green Farm in Condover near Shrewsbury, Twemlows Stud Farm near Whitchurch and Burlton near Wem.

But in the south of the county solar farm plans for Whitton near Ludlow, Acton Scott, near Church Stretton, Tasley near Bridgnorth and Neen Sollars near Cleobury Mortimer have all been turned down.

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