Shropshire Star

Video & pictures: Rainbow for Newport pupils at colour run

With a rainbow of colours in the air and covering the dancing people below, it looks like a scene from the Hindu festival Holi.


But it was pupils and staff at a school in Shropshire who were jumping around as part of a colour run in aid of charity.

About 80 people took part in the event on the fields at Burton Borough School in Newport yesterday, which was held in aid of Cancer Research UK and the school's PE department.

Before anyone started the run, they had to cover themselves in cornstarch paint, turning the field into a multi-coloured mess.

Staff and students then ran or walked two laps around the field, while more paint was thrown at them.

Rob Court, assistant headteacher at the school, said everyone had a great time and it was exciting to take part in something a bit different.

"It was brilliant, everyone was very colourful by the end, and looked fantastic with the autumnal colours in the background.

"This is the first time the school has taken part in something like this, and everyone really got into it. Leading up to the run everyone had been very excited about it and we had about 80 staff and students take part in the event.

"We got the idea for the event from our school games organiser, Sally Harris who has been coming up with different ideas to get children involved in sport.

"The reason why we decided to do the colour run was after Sally brought the idea forward. We saw it as a fun way to get our students to take part in some physical activity, but not making it feel like a PE lesson. We had students take part who aren't the biggest fans of PE and I feel like that was a huge success.

"As well as organising the colour run, Sally has also been carrying out a Girls Can Club, which has about 70 girls take part in during the week. However for the colour run we had boys and girls taking, who all enjoyed the event.

"We haven't asked the students to get sponsors, but they have paid £5 to take part and all the money raised will be given to Cancer Research, and part of it will go towards our PE department."

Holi is a spring festival observed by Hindus, also known as the festival of colour or festival of love.

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