Shropshire Star

Leading medic resigns from Shropshire NHS group

One of the leading figures behind the planned reorganisation of health services in Shropshire today resigned from her post.

Dr Caron Morton

Dr Caron Morton has resigned as Accountable Officer for Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

It comes after Shropshire CCG was placed into special measures this month after it forecast a £10.6 million deficit.

The Future Fit programme outlining the reorganisation of health services in the county has been put on hold, with Dr Morton being placed on authorised leave in late September.

The CCG is the umbrella group that controls the NHS in Shropshire and decides where and how services are delivered.

A statement released by Shropshire CCG this afternoon says: "We can confirm Dr Caron Morton has resigned as Accountable Officer for Shropshire CCG.

"Caron was a founding member of Shropshire County CCG and was instrumental in the development of vision, values and constitution of the organisation. Caron provided a very strong focus on clinical input to the commissioning process and ensured the organisation developed and maintained a focus around patient safety.

"The CCG wishes her every success for her future.

"Brigid Stacey will continue in her role of Acting Accountable Officer with Dr Julian Povey providing clinical leadership. They will continue to focus on the CCG's day to day business ensuring that local people have access to good quality care and to work with NHS partners to deliver models of care that are safe and sustainable now and for the future.

"An announcement about the long-term leadership of the CCG will be made as soon as possible."