Watch: Has Santa been caught on camera in Telford?

When children get to a certain age their faith in Father Christmas can start to wane and they can start to question his existence.


So what can parents do to keep the magic of Christmas going and prove to their doubting children that Santa does exist.

We caught Santa on Camera in our house!!Finally got ol' Saint Nic on film, thanks to Santa-Cam #nailedit

Posted by Pete Cardwell on Friday, 25 December 2015

Pete Cardwell, from Doseley in Telford, decided to set-up a video camera to catch the big man delivering presents on Christmas morning and prove to his children that he really does exist..

He said: "It all came about when I was talking to the kids about Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

"I have three daughters aged two, five and eight, and the eldest is starting to have a few doubts about him, fuelled by her peers at school.

"So the kids and I decided to set-up up a hidden video camera in the lounge to capture Father Christmas in the house."

Pete said that on Christmas morning the first priority of his daughters wasn't the camera it was the presents.

He said: "I think that at first they forgot all about the cameras they raced to open their presents, then they remembered and were very excited to see if we had captured anything.

"And when we played back the footage there he was, Father Christmas in our house, delivering presents – they were thrilled."

The video starts with Pete setting up the camera at just after 11.30pm on Christmas Eve. Then we jump forward two hours to see the camera flashing a 'motion detected' message.

Then the lights go on, Santa Claus comes into frame and with a wave of his hands the presents appear as if by magic.

He said: "I only put it online so family and friends could see it, but we have now had over 2,500 likes.

"And the European director of the company I worked for has been in touch to thank me for helping to keep his 10 year-old still believing in Father Christmas."