Shropshire Star

Letter: Time the Prime Minister put this country first

A lot of guff has been written and spoken about the stay/leave debate as to whether we would be better off in or out of the European Union.


The press and media have further confused the issue reporting that David Cameron wants to negotiate with other members of this failed club about getting more favourable terms.

The main stumbling block, as far as I can see is the benefits being capped for four years, which is quite reasonable I would have thought as these people have not contributed to our country in any way apart from put an ever increasing burden on the taxpayers.

I don't think David Cameron should be kowtowing to other EU members for a better deal, I think he should put this country first. Hopefully we have the brains and courage of convictions to vote 'no' when we are given the chance.

We all know Mr Putin wants Ms Merkel to lead in Europe, oh, guess what, Mr Tusk is also German, there you have it, political conspiracy to make us behave like good little people and do what we are told.

Sorry, but I can remember how well this country used to trade with other countries before this EU calamity was forced upon us.

You need us more than we need you, so, when we decide to come out, we will be able to put all those wasted millions to proper use, looking after our own people.

M Eddies, Shrewsbury

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