Shropshire Star

Watch: New building a better setting for visitors to Oswestry Cemetery

A shabby portable building and temporary toilets at Oswestry Cemetery have been replaced by a new building with private rooms, toilets and showers.


Work was completed on the new building a week ago and the building has now been officially handed over by the contractors.

Town mayor, Councillor Peter Cherrington, said it's a far cry from the former facilities.

"The new building will benefit visitors to the cemetery, local undertakers and our staff," he said.

"There are private rooms if a family wants to talk with the chaplain or just sit quietly for a while, there are toilets including disabled toilets, and there's a shower. We were going to put in solar panels but we decided against it and we've put an air source heat pump unit in instead.

"It's cost us more money but you don't hear any sound and it just converts the heat from the air.

"The entire building is always the same temperature and the water is hot 24/7."

An office has also been included for representatives of the burial services to use, as well as staff changing rooms and storage space.

Councillor Cherrington said: "We have made significant investments in the cemetery since we took over its full management in 2008."

He added: "This is another much needed investment that demonstrates our commitment to provide quality facilities for the town.

"The contractor has been Jones Bros of Weston Rhyn and the architect Barrie Whitmore of NCS Whitmore and Humphries.

"We are pleased that all labour and materials have been sourced locally to help local businesses.

"Resurfacing of the entrance to the cemetery in Victoria Road has also taken place and some large floral planters will be added later this year to give a welcome and colour to the many visitors to the site each day."