Shropshire Star

Extra money for protecting children among Telford & Wrekin Council's budget changes

Extra money is to be spent protecting children in Telford & Wrekin.


The additional £200,000 towards safeguarding children is part of a list of changes to the borough's budget.

Council spokesman Russell Griffin said: "The additional investment in safeguarding will be used to fund our joint adoption service and adoption agency fees and costs relating to maintaining family placements, alternatives to higher care related provision."

Telford & Wrekin Council has also revealed other changes to its budget following a public consultation.

Plans to cut opening hours at Telford Town Park Visitor Centre will be reviewed again. The council wrongly announced on Friday the cuts would go ahead but has since clarified its position.

Proposed Telford Ice Rink opening hours cuts will also be reviewed, while plans to cut funding for Age UK transport by £50,000 should be put on hold, the council finance and enterprise scrutiny committee said.

Potential scaling back of the cuts has been made possible because of a council tax increase of up to 3.9 per cent. Further proposals, to be discussed by the council's cabinet on Thursday, include reducing cuts at Newport Library by £65,000 to allow it to remain open with self service. Plans to cut £67,570 from the Creative Arts Service may also be reversed.

Councillor Lee Carter, the council's cabinet member for finance and service delivery, said: "The list of key changes to the original budget proposals demonstrates we have held a meaningful consultation and have listened to what our scrutiny committee and local residents have said."

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