Telford College of Arts and Technology principal and chief executive resigns
The principal and chief executive of Telford College of Arts and Technology has announced he is leaving the role.

Chris Scott said the decision had been prompted by the "massive changes" in the further education sector – and in his own role – since he took the job nearly two years ago.
He said it is a voluntary decision, and that he had not been placed under any pressure by the TCAT management team, or board of governors.
An interim principal will now be appointed while the future role of the college is decided in a review of post-16 and further education training centres across the Marches region, which is currently under way.
Mr Scott, 53, has been with TCAT for 20 years, having previously served as deputy principal, and finance director. He is stepping down with immediate effect.
He said: "It has been a privilege to work for Telford College, but the unprecedented cuts in finance to the further education sector, and the transformation this has forced us to undergo, has changed the principal's job almost beyond recognition."