Shropshire Star

Richie Woodhall gives Harry's Trust a big boost

The Shropshire founder of a charity for children being treated for cancer today spoke of her joy that former world boxing champion Richie Woodhall is supporting the cause with his latest auction.


Telford-based Richie is auctioning off a boxing glove signed by legendary American boxer Sugar Ray Leonard at Halls auction house tomorrow.

The proceeds from the sale will go to The Harry Johnson Trust, which supports children and teenagers who are being treated for cancer at the specialist unit at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital.

The charity was founded by Sally and Stephen Johnson, in memory of their son Harry who died at the age of seven from a rare form of cancer two years ago this month.

Sally, who lives in Vennington, Shrewsbury, said she was extremely grateful to Richie for his support.

"I am really delighted that he has chosen to lend his support to us, particularly as he is local," she said. "I am extremely grateful, it will help lots of children."

The trust provides hampers full of everyday essentials for children when they first come into hospital.

It also provides fleece pillowcases and blankets for children who lose their hair from chemotherapy.

Sally said: "We support children and their families all the way through their battle with cancer.

"We pay for children who are having a particularly tough time to go on holiday in Shropshire."

She said the trust also grants one-off wishes for children. "So far we have bought a play house, sent a family fishing for a day, and treated a family to a trip to Legoland, plus many more," she added.

Leonard, who dominated the world boxing scene during the 1980s, won five world boxing titles and an Olympic gold medal.

The auction starts at Halls in Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, SY4 3DR, at 10am, and the Title white leather glove is expected to go under the hammer between 10.30am and 11.30am.

The glove was available to be viewed up to 4.30pm today, or from 9am tomorrow. Those unable to attend can place an absentee or commission bid before the sale, indicating the maximum they are willing to pay. It is also possible to bid live over the internet during the auction, allowing those who need to stay at home or at work to bid interactively while the auction is taking place.

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