Shropshire Star

Meole Brace roundabout redesign: 84% of Star readers disagree with revamp of the Shrewsbury junction

More than 3,000 people have signed a petition calling for a radical roundabout redesign to be stopped over environmental concerns - while 84% of Shropshire Star readers don't agree with the revamp.

Meole Brace roundabout. Photo: Google StreetView

The online petition calls for works to Meole Brace Roundabout in Shrewsbury, which are due to start on October 31, to be halted.

The petition was launched on Monday and already had more than 3,000 signatures this morning.

  • See the petition here

The Shropshire Star also ran a poll to find out whether or not people agreed with the revamp, and of the 1,400 people who voted the overwhelming majority said no.

The plans for the Meole Brace roundabout

Addressed to Simon Jones, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for highways and transport, it says the roundabout work, which involves cutting a road through the middle of the island, will cause damage to the local wildlife and will destroy habitats for animals and birds.

In response, Mr Jones has said the plans had already been through a comprehensive consultation process and promised to publish the council's full habitat survey and report online.

Readers have been having their say online.

Robert Tressell said: "I wish they'd stop messing about with Shrewsbury roundabouts, wasting loads of money and giving us something that is ten times worse that what was there before."

Donna Ridgway said: "Planning permission and everything else has been approved. A petition won't stop it now. It's going ahead whether anyone likes it or not. And I bet in a few years everyone won't even care anymore."

Dave Chapman said: "Until the retail park gets an extra entry/exit this scheme won't work, waste of money fixing something that isn't broke."

Brad Hutchinson added: "A stupid time of year to do what will ultimately ruin that island. No mention of wildlife relocation, and doing work during Xmas period when we all know that island is a nightmare just on a weekend and even worse at Xmas. It will be bedlam!"

Shropshire Council did hold a consultation on the plans earlier this year and made several changes as a result of the public feedback. One proposal, to cut the English Bridge down to two lanes on the exit from the town centre were abandoned.

Earlier this year Shrewsbury's Friends of the Earth Group described the Meole Brace proposal as "bizarre" and said it would "ruin an attractive major entry point to Shrewsbury".

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