Online petition calls for Market Drayton pub to reopen
An online petition has been launched to save a Market Drayton pub. More than 200 people have already signed the petition to save the currently-vacant Talbot Inn in Newcastle Road.

It comes after an online poll set up by Sarah Hamer, of Market Drayton, sparked overwhelming backing for it to reopen.
Meynell Developments has applied for planning permission to build a terrace of five homes in part of the Talbot Inn's car park.
In the plans developers say they want to bring the public house back into use, while redeveloping the garden area to the north. However, no detailed plans have been submitted regarding the future of the pub.
The online petition was set up by resident Mike Smith.
He said: "The pub has served residents of Market Drayton and those living and holidaying on the Shropshire Union Canal for over 170 years.
It is under threat. In order for the Talbot Inn to remain a viable public house in the current climate it needs to maintain not only its current car parking but also its previously very popular beer garden. Both of these are under threat of being affected by the planning proposal. If the pub loses these assets it loses commercial viability.
"There is an underlying common sense that needs to prevail. Market Drayton has plenty of space to develop new homes if it so desires. Why should we allow the ruin of part of the cultural heritage of this ancient market town?
"We are appealing to members of the community to help save the Talbot Inn by completing this online poll.
"You can also help by lodging an objection to the proposed planning application through Shropshire Council's planning portal and contacting you elected representatives."
Commenting on the petition, Hamish Armytage said: "This property has the potential to be a top class inn/restaurant – bringing visitors and their money to town. But not with such a small car park as the one it will be left with if this development goes ahead."
There have also been 29 objections to the plans on Shropshire Council's website.
Objections to the current planning application have also been made by the Canal & River Trust, the Market Drayton sub-branch of CAMRA, Market Drayton Town Council and Market Drayton and District Road Safety Group.
To view the petition visit