Shropshire Star

Talking newspaper speaks up over looming crisis

A group which has been providing recorded news for the visually impaired in Shropshire for over 40 years faces being itself part of a big local "bad news" story - a looming crisis facing local voluntary groups and charities.


West Shropshire Talking Newspaper desperately needs a new secretary, without which it would have to fold, and faces an underlying problem of an ageing volunteer base without enough younger blood coming through.

And according to Paul Pascoe, who chairs the talking newspaper - a registered charity - its struggles are being mirrored by other groups in the county.

"As I understand it, we are not alone. I have only anecdotal evidence, but other voluntary organisations are foundering for similar reasons.

"There may be a story here concerning a crisis in local charities. Certainly we would appreciate anything to raise awareness of our plight."

Paul's wife Mary has been secretary of the talking newspaper for the last 10 years but has a range of other public responsibilities and has been looking to stand down from the post for the past two years or so.

However, under Charity Commission rules the newspaper would not be legally constituted without a secretary, and would have to fold.

"In addition to that particular problem we are desperately short of editors to produce the weekly copy, without whom there would be nothing to record," said Paul.

"We have pursued a number of avenues in the last few years but all our pleas have fallen on stony ground. People simply do not want to take on responsibility."

He says hardly a day passes without the Shropshire Star reporting on somebody undertaking a "gruelling" walk or adventurous trek at some far-flung place to raise money for charity.

"I wouldn't for one moment wish to impugn the sincerity of the individuals concerned, but collectively I cannot help feeling there is more self-satisfaction involved than a readiness to become involved in a more routine, even monotonous, form of altruism.

"There's a wider picture too. Of our current committee only two are under 70. While we may have a few cells yet to deploy, I am very concerned about continuity. Younger blood will become a rapidly increasing necessity."

Anyone prepared to take on the role of secretary or help the group can contact West Shropshire Talking Newspaper at the Roy Fletcher Centre, Cross Hill, Shrewsbury, on 01743 364726 or alternatively contact Paul Pascoe on 01743 289240, and on email.

"The secretary's function is to be responsible for the due governance of the charity in accordance to legal requirements - it's not merely a filing cabinet job.

"In terms of overall hours the job is not especially onerous but the key responsibility does require someone who is conversant with the language and conventions of constitutional matters."

The talking newspaper provides local news in spoken form, provided through a range of formats, for the blind and visually impaired.