Shropshire Star

Teen to get new wheelchair in time for half term

A teenager will get a state-of-the-art wheelchair this week – just in time for half term.

Thomas Lake

Thomas Lake has cerebral palsy – a condition that restricts the movement of his muscles – which has left him unable to stand or walk.

The 14-year-old, from Harlescott, Shrewsbury, has just enough strength in his right hand to use a powered wheelchair.

The wheelchairs he has had over the past 10 years have allowed him to access mainstream school, but he has outgrown his current wheelchair and it has started to affect his studies.

He has had to use his more basic NHS model which does not enable him to get up to science laboratory desks.

The wheelchair has reduced his self-esteem as it is less powerful and he keeps getting stuck on surfaces that he could previously access.

His mother Helen, aged 41, contacted Caudwell Children – a national charity that provides support to disabled children and their families – to see if they could help her son.

Between Caudwell Children, Shropshire Cerebral Palsy Society and Children Today, enough funds were raised for Thomas's new wheelchair, and now he wants to raise £18,000 for the charity which has made it all possible.

The wheelchair has excellent driving capabilities and can drive over chipping, soft grassed areas and wet sand.

Thomas will be able to raise himself to the windows in the school doors, enabling him to alert teachers when they need to open one for him.

The charity also bought Thomas's old wheelchair nine years ago that he was now outgrown.

Helen said: "Thomas is very much looking forward to getting his wheelchair. It's great that he's getting it in time for October half term, as at the moment he can't get up steps or curbs.

"We're National Trust members so we can go out over half term more easily now."

Thomas has already raised £385 after the appeal launched.

People can support the appeal by visiting or make a donation by texting PEAL61 £3 to 70070.