Councillor backs market move

A county councillor has backed plans to move a market to a town car park amidst a backlash from traders.

Welshpool Town Hall

Welshpool Town Council has been exploring the possibility of moving the market to Church Street car park, to link the town with a retail park and Tesco supermarket.

The town council, who own the town hall and operate the market six days a week, muted the changes a few years back.

The market would be in hut style market stalls, but traders have reacted angrily to the plans and have started a petition demanding nothing changes.

However councillor Graham Breeze believes it would be good move, as markets could soon be a thing of the past.

He said: "Now the plan is to line one side of Church Street Car Park with "hut style" market stalls which councillors claim will increase trade and attract more people to visit the town centre when they shop at the Tesco, Aldi and B&M stores.

"Talks with Powys County Council about the proposal are at a very early stage with any development hinging on the county authority agreeing to the car park being utilised, but the real question is whether the idea is a good on or not.

"I have never found the current market an inviting location and many have criticised the layout.

"And while the Town Council has managed to keep the stalls occupied there is no doubt that across the country the very concept of markets is fading. Market life may very soon be a thing of the past."

He believes moving the market would enable the town council to move from their current base to the town hall.

He added: "Emptying the ground floor of the Town Hall would probably create enough space to re-house the council's own offices and staff while creating other areas for public use, but there will be a price to pay.

"This development will come at a cost.

"I've been approached by a lot of people since the press broke the story that the market may be on the move - some in favour but most against.

"The Town Council likes to consult with residents and when the time comes this is probably a topic which demands a poll of public opinion."