Shropshire Star

Are you having a royal wedding party? Let us know!

It is the wedding of the year – and we want to find out how you are celebrating.

Last updated
Beryl Cartlidge and Brian MacKenzie get ready to party at Stiperstones Court

Prince Harry will marry his bride Megan Markle on May 19.

The event is the perfect excuse for a party, whether it is at a school, at work, or with friends and family at home.

The Shropshire Star will be creating an online Royal Wedding Gallery of your pictures – and some will be published in the newspaper too.

How are you celebrating the royal wedding? Let us know.

Let us know about your royal wedding events:

Tell us about your events and send your photos to

As we build up to the big day, we are asking you to sent in your snaps.

Events include schools hosting special events to mark the big day, while also learning about the royal family.

Pubs and weekend events will also be putting up big screens to mark the occasion. At Stiperstones Court Retirement Living, in Shrewsbury, residents will be treated to a right royal party to mark the nuptials at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.


McCarthy and Stone, which runs the home, will be providing fizz and cake for residents and visitors.

Martin Edwards, of McCarthy and Stone, said: “There is a huge amount of love and admiration for the royal family here at Stiperstones Court. We hope retirees in Shrewsbury will join us for a wonderful event, which captures the fun and joy we have come to expect from a royal wedding.”

An open invitation to the royal wedding has also been extended in Shrewsbury, in the grounds of historic St Alkmund’s Church, St Alkmund’s Square, where a giant screen will show TV coverage of the big day in a carnival atmosphere.

Shrewsbury Business Improvement District has organised the free outdoor screening, from 10am, with deckchair seating to give a grand view of the proceedings. Ice creams will also be sold.

Seb Slater, executive director of Shrewsbury BID, said: “It’s a great chance to be part of a community celebration of the royal wedding. We have contingency plans to watch the coverage from inside the church.”