MP Glyn Davies shocked to learn of racist Facebook group membership
An MP was surprised to discover he was one of 10 Conservative MPs who were members of a social media group promoting Islamophobic, homophobic and racist abuse.
The Tory politicians, including Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies and Jacob Rees-Mogg, were members of the Conservative Debating Forum Monday Club, according to a story published in political website Red Roar.
The Conservative Party has said the group is no way affiliated to the party and it condemns the views shared by some members.
All Tory MPs involved have said they had no knowledge of being added to the group, and Mr Davies says somebody else must have added him to the group.
He said: "I was most surprised when The Observer rang me to say I was a member of an unpleasant Facebook Group.
"I don’t join political internet based groups. I’d never heard of the site and have no idea how my name, along with Conservative colleagues had been joined up.
"I immediately took steps to remove my name, and decided not even to look at what was written there.
"It seems entirely wrong to me that anyone can be added to a Facebook group without their knowledge or permission.”
There is no suggestion that any of the 10 MPs listed have posted inappropriate material on the Facebook page.
The controversial pro-Conservative Facebook group contained comments about public figures including Sadiq Khan, Diane Abbott and anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller.
Mr Davies hasn't been on the Facebook page, and is still confused as to how he was signed up.
He is now taking steps and seeking advice to find out how he can stop any incidents like this occurring in the future.
He added: "I am interested to know just how people can make you members of groups without your knowledge.
"I am working with my staff to find out and seek advice on how to stop this happening in the future."