Shropshire Star

John's medal tribute to father

John Dennett of Shrewsbury will be marking the centenary of the Armistice by paying a special tribute to his father for the last time.

John with his father's medals

John, who is in his 80s, said: "It will be doing a final parading of my father's medals. He was Bandmaster F.W. Dennett, MBE, MSM, ARCM.

"For the last three years I have been parading his medals and regimental hat badge at the Cenotaph, London, and this year, which is the final commemoration of World War One, I intend to parade at St Chad's Church in Shrewsbury, which houses the regimental chapel.

"I felt that it was the most appropriate place to remember my father's service."

His father Fred Dennett went into battle in the Great War in a cavalry regiment.

He was to have a long and distinguished service which spanned two world wars and almost 50 years – he served 37 years in the regular army and 12 in the Territorials.

He became a bandmaster with the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry and composed several pieces of military music for regimental occasions.

After his retirement from the regular army he was for a time the landlord at the Three Fishes pub in Shrewsbury, and later the Swan at Hookagate. He died in 1991, aged 93.