Shropshire Star

Environmentalists join forces to create Shropshire super group

A coalition of environmental campaigners from different groups across the county is set to form in efforts to reduce Shropshire's plastic usage.

Environmental campaigners from across the county are now forming one single campaign

Representatives from seven different organisations running anti-plastic campaigns in and around the county attended a meeting to discuss ideas and methods of reaching out to businesses and residents around Shropshire.

The campaigners also explored the possibility of forming an alliance to reach a greater number of people and push their anti-plastic ideology.

Members from Sustainable Bridgnorth, Transition Telford, Sustainable Newport, Stretton Climate Care, Ludlow 21, Teme Valley Environmental Group in Knighton and the Montgomery Climate Group rallied together with the outcome of forming Shropshire Against Pointless Plastic – a collaborative group covering Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

Kath Norgrove, chairwoman of Sustainable Bridgnorth, said: "It was a brilliant meeting and proved very informative to learn what other people are doing in efforts to reduce plastic in the county.

"The event generated ideas which we can use and likewise we have given information about our campaign which could help other groups."

Taking place at the Contemporary Art Place in Riverside Shopping Centre in Shrewsbury, the meeting was hosted by Sara Mai, an artist specialising in the use of plastics.

Bob Ensum, who held the meeting on behalf of Green Shropshire Xchange, the county's environmental network, added: "It was a truly inspirational occasion and we now plan to go ahead and form a coalition entitled Shropshire Against Pointless Plastic."

Green groups across Shropshire have already been doing their bit to make their town as environmentally friendly as possible.

Sustainable Bridgnorth recently held its Plastic-Free February, where a number of retailers, residents and organisations focused on reducing their carbon footprint for the month, with the aim of maintaining this into the future.

More than 100 shops were targeted by campaigners during the month, which led to Sainsbury's on Whitburn Street purchasing re-usable banana crates and making paper bags and cardboard boxes available instead of plastic bags in the vegetable aisle, as well as encouraging shoppers to bring their own containers to the delicatessen counter.

The supermarket is also set to become the town’s only location to recycle Walkers Crisps' packets and has proposed a national-chain end to plastic cauliflower bags.