Campaign group calls on supporters to continue homes opposition
Campaigners fighting to stop a Ludlow meadow being built on are urging objectors to the scheme to reaffirm their opposition after the consultation deadline was extended.

Shropshire Homes has re-drawn its plans for the grassland off Castle View Terrace, reducing the number of proposed properties from seven to six.
Under the amended plans the detached bungalow has been removed, leaving two terraces of three houses each, and a seating area has been added. The design of the houses has also been altered by the addition of bay windows.
Andy Sheldon, Shropshire Homes land director, said the amendments came as a result of comments on the application, and the removal of the bungalow allowed “the retention of a large amount of open space on the site”.
But the Save The Meadow campaign group said the changes did not address the concerns of the “unprecedented” number of people – more than 160 – who objected to the project.
A spokeswoman said: “The group is unimpressed with the changes which seem to answer minor cosmetic concerns of those objecting but do not deal with the majority of the issues around destruction of the green space offered by this valuable heritage pasture.
“The suggested removal of the bungalow seems to be predominantly to allow the extensive earthworks necessary for the proposed 45 degree grading that is required to make the cliff edge safe for the Fishmore Road development below.
“There will be a further 14 days during which new comments and objections will be accepted, starting when the amended plan appears on Shropshire Council Planning website.
“Therefore the ‘Save the Meadow’ campaign group is encouraging any members of the public who have opposed the development to restate their concerns at this point to ensure that they are considered during the planning process.”
The plans have met with strong opposition since they were lodged with Shropshire Council’s planning department earlier this year.
The developer behind the scheme prompted further criticism last month when it revealed its intentions to re-profile part of the site.
Shropshire Homes wants to “batter the land back” at the western edge of the meadow, which slopes down to Fishmore Quarry, where the company is currently building almost 80 houses and flats.
Save The Meadow campaigners said they were “alarmed” by the suggestion which they said would lead to “the destruction of the meadow’s ancient ecosystem”.
Meanwhile, Councillor Andy Boddington, who represents Ludlow North, said the proposed re-profiling meant the development had “no shred of credibility left”.
Save The Meadow is fundraising to bid to buy the land from the developer to preserve it for community enjoyment in perpetuity.
The planning application will be decided in due course by Shropshire Council.